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Excalibur Double Flying Tourbillon has become a symbol of the brand, and a code of design that is constantly being revised. In several ways, it reflects the maison's unique approach to watchmaking. This is a watch with no secrets. The watch is a showpiece. The endlessly spinning tourbillons and the three-dimensional architectural design create a dynamic, voluminous look with a sense of depth.

The inner beauty of the watch can be seen from the bridges all the way to the balance.Richard Mille Replica Watches The watch's openness also leads to a second important design element. The fact that this design is driven by technical excellence is at the heart of its appeal. Richard Mille Replica Watches, a masterful, integrated manufacturer, is capable of mastering even the most complex materials and processes. Why not display your calibre when it looks so good? Richard Mille Replica Watches' pride in his technical expertise drives him to create open-skeleton designs.

It's best to take a look at the profile in order to fully appreciate these new aesthetics and technological enhancements. The case shape has changed, with longer, more refined lines. However, the Richard Mille Replica Watches excessiveness is still present. The crown guard and lugs have a more aggressive shape. The iconic notch on the crown and bezel is still there. It's deeper and more sculptural thanks to the refined design.

The cages of the two tourbillons are made of titanium and cobalt, which results in lighter organs with enhanced anti-magnetic properties.

The calibre is a tribute to Hyper Horology. The signature calibre's three-dimensional design has been improved. The levitating star - the iconic brand symbol - is a clear example. It has been liberated from the barrel's physical restrictions. The star can now work independently. The star is located above the rest,Patek Philippe Replica between the movement plates and beneath the flange. This new style star gives the calibre even more character and depth, crossing other movement bridges to create a dynamic, multi-leveled look. It shines brighter thanks to its fine angles and outstanding polishing.

Richard Mille Replica Watches